v0.dev is a tool that automatically generates web user interfaces from AI launched by Vercel, a well-known front-end website hosting platform. It generates directly available React component code based on the popular UI frameworks Shadcn UI and Tailwind CSS.
How v0 works
v0 Use the AI model to generate code based on simple text prompts. After entering and submitting the prompt, three user interface selections generated by artificial intelligence will be provided. You can select one and copy and paste its code, or refine it further. If you want to optimize, you can also select the various parts of the generated UI to fine-tune.
v0 can currently generate React DOM elements and Shadcn UI components. After the subsequent official release, Vercel will add support for other UI libraries, which may include Svelte, Vue, or pure HTML.
v0 is currently in the internal beta stage and is free for users to use. If you are interested in trying v0, you can visit its official website to join the waiting list.
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